The purpose of this In Flight Allocation (IFA) algorithm is to design late committal guidance laws. Figure 1 describes (for one defending missile x one attacking missile engagement) how temporal allocation windows have been computed with an IFA algorithm mixing predicted trajectories and No Escape Zones (NEZ).For target trajectory prediction we consider three concurrent approaches:zero control,straight line toward the Ground Base objective (GB)and Proportional Navigation (PN) to GB.We extrapolate the defending missile trajectories assuming zero control in the future. When using straight line or PN approaches (for target prediction), we compute target trajectories taken into account all the ground objective possibilities. Then, we merge the temporal allocation intervals following one of the two approaches listed below:trajectory with the higher likelihood,worst case approach.In worst case analysis we keep the temporal interval having the smallest (min) value for tout (the trajectory leaving the No Escape Zone first).When considering many on many we compute seekers are capable of locking onto the target after a brief search [3]. These handover and heading errors not only arematrices which provide allocation time intervals for the entire missile / target assignation possibilities.