8 Flexing Test8.1 A cable assembly shall be capable of withstanding a minimum of 200 cycles of flexing when testedin accordance with (a) or (b) below. After the test, there shall be no evidence of stress or damage on theinternal connections including breakage of any conductors. Stress or damage can be determined throughvisual examination, dielectric voltage withstand test described in Section 10, electrical continuity or othersimilar means. If the connectors used for the cable assembly are different at each end, eachconnector/cable combination is to be tested.a) The Cable Flexing test in Cable Flexing Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, EIA 364-41. No physical damage or discontinuity over 1 ms during flexing shall occur to the cableassembly with Dimension X = 3.7 times the cable diameter and 100 cycles in each of twoplanes, 120 degree arc.b) A sample of the cable assembly is to be secured to the flexing apparatus so that the cordassumes the natural bend permitted by the assembly.Each connector is to be secured in the jaws of the flexing machine so that the point of cord exitis at the center of rotation. The rotating jaws are to be adjusted to rotate to an angle of 90degrees to each side of the centered position. At the centered position, the cord is to hangvertically and a test weight of 113 g (4 oz) is to be attached to the cord approximately 305 mm(12 inches) from the point of rotation as illustrated in Figure 8.1.Each cable assembly is to be subjected to 100 complete flexing cycles in each plane. A flexingcycle consists of rotation of the jaws from the vertical (centered) position until 90 degrees toone side, back past the vertical position until 90 degrees to the other side, and back to thevertical position. The rate of testing is to be 10 cycles per minuteaCord guides are used only to control oscillation of the wire during testing and can therefore be adjusted,if necessary, so that the cord does not contact the guides in a manner that could increase the degree ofbend present at its entry to the fitting during the test.