Analyzing IndividualsRead about the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator on page29. On the web, take one of the free tests similar to theMyers-Briggs. Read about your personality type andconsider howaccurate the description may be. Printyour results.As your instructor directs,Share your results orally with a smallgroupof stu-derts ind discus how acurately the Type Indica-tor dsrbes you lenty some o the dferenicesamong your personalitytypes and consider howprojects.po seee woud f cfor tolobooIdentify other students in the classroom with thesame combination of personality traits. Create a brieforal presentation to the class that describes yourType Indicator and explains how the pros and consof your personality will affect group dynamics incollaborative work.Write a brief memo to your instructor describingyour results, assessing how well the results reflectyour personality, and suggesting how your person-ality traits might affect your work in class and in theworkplace.