polymer synthesis Hastalex. The synthesis of Hastalex nanocomposite was previously described in22 detail 22 . In brief, graphene oxide was initially functionalised with the amine group. Then polycarbonate polyoland amine FGO were mixed and heated up to 70 °C to dissolve the FGO, forming the pre-polymer. The resultantmaterial contained 5% of FGO. Dimethylacetamide was then added to the pre-polymer and was chain-extendedby the addition of diethylamine. The polymer solution of 25% wt was produced. Films for further testing wereobtained by polymer solution casting. As a result, samples had two unequal sides, one of them – shiny, which wasin contact with the receiving surface, and the other one – opaque. All the chemicals were purchased from AldrichLimited (Gillingham, United Kingdom).
polymer synthesis Hastalex. The synthesis of Hastalex nanocomposite was previously described in22 detail 22 . In brief, graphene oxide was initially functionalised with the amine group. Then polycarbonate polyoland amine FGO were mixed and heated up to 70 °C to dissolve the FGO, forming the pre-polymer. The resultantmaterial contained 5% of FGO. Dimethylacetamide was then added to the pre-polymer and was chain-extendedby the addition of diethylamine. The polymer solution of 25% wt was produced. Films for further testing wereobtained by polymer solution casting. As a result, samples had two unequal sides, one of them – shiny, which wasin contact with the receiving surface, and the other one – opaque. All the chemicals were purchased from AldrichLimited (Gillingham, United Kingdom).<br>