As a very important bearing part in engineering building, the floor is not comprehensive enough to consider in the design of the floor, which will lead to the hidden danger of safety in the future. Calculating the plate force situation, if the two-way board as a one-way board calculation will lead to the calculation of the assumption and the actual force state there is a difference, resulting in the structure and configuration to be out of harmony, resulting in a shortage of ribs and cracks between the floor. At present, the problems in floor design are also reflected in the calculation of bending moment in the load of the floor under the line load, which often occurs in civil buildings. The calculation of the problem of floor ribs is the need for designers to load the overall area of the floor, but to calculate the fulcers of the floor separately, but also because complex calculations in the design of the floor will ignore the upper negative bending moment of the support point, which will eventually lead to cracks in the roof of the board.