Shipment and delivery time The <br>shipment time is usually called the shipping period. In domestic trade, the shipment and delivery time for delivery from the seller’s factory or warehouse is basically the same. In international trade, the price terms selected by the buyer and seller in the negotiation determine their respective responsibilities during the delivery of the goods. FOB, CIF, etc. require delivery with shipping documents, and the seller’s shipping time and delivery time are consistent. <br>However, when other price terms are used, shipment does not mean delivery, let alone acceptance of the goods by the buyer. Therefore, it is necessary for the buyer and seller to agree on the specific shipping and delivery time. In actual economic activities, many contract disputes are caused by vague regulations on the time of shipment and delivery of goods. In order to avoid disputes as much as possible, negotiators should, on a practicable basis, strive to specify the time of shipment and delivery clearly and reasonably, and do not use "immediate shipment", "fast shipment" and other general provisions that may easily cause disputes.