If you can get samples, is the product you are looking for, we will carry out the next step of communication, I hope Monday can buy you an original sample, I have warned the other side, product samples can not be made particularly good, with the future to our goods consistent. I have tried to place orders with factories, some of which make product samples very beautiful, but when delivery, a large number of goods and samples are very different. Besides, I didn't mention that middleman, to avoid you becoming a middleman's customer, I said you've been selling this product, so order 500 products at a time, so they'll negotiate with us at factory prices without giving the middleman a commission. And I checked their products, only a link is this product, and no other choice, but they are factories, as long as you can put the quality requirements clearly, they will install requirements for production, especially samples, if you receive samples are not satisfied, ask them to modify, I and an American customer customized an oven, enough to talk for 3 months, to have now sent a second sample to each other, I believe this month can be determined, so, this is very detailed factory. In addition, you need to draft a contract to order products, I can help you deal with these things, draft a legitimate contract that protects your interests