Summary<br>With the development of power electronics technology, microprocessing technology and the progress of permanent magnet material technology, accommocoin motor speed control and servo system is developing towards the direction of integrated motor and control digitalization. The development direction of integrated motor is mainly reflected in one of the brushless DC motor and permanent magnetic synchronous motor system is becoming the mainstream of the accoma and DC electric transmission system. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technology and the corresponding power switching circuit technology are the basis for controlling digitalization. The performance of the microcontroller and DSP is constantly improving, especially the more and more integrated hardware resources in the DSP, which is closer to the microcontroller from the application point of view. At the same time, power electronics and their driving technology is more mature, such as IPM module spower range is getting wider and wider. On this basis, PWM control technology and motor control technology are also becoming more and more mature, in various forms of periodic control signals, sine wave control signal is the most common application, commonly known as sine wave pulse wide modulation (Sinusoidal Pulse Pulse, SPWM). The emergence and wide application of SPWM and other technologies, on the one hand, make the performance of the motor control system in the traditional electric transmission continuously improve, on the other hand, make the new ereverity of high-performance integrated motor system in DC and AC electric transmission applications more and more widely.