economic factors <br>The effect of economic factors on the natural growth of population mainly lies in that it determines the conditions of population proliferation and survival, and affects the natural growth rate of population by changing the birth rate and mortality rate of population. In general, when the population can not meet the demand of economic development for labor force, the reproduction of population itself will be stimulated; when the population exceeds the total consumption provided by economic development, the reproduction of population itself will be restrained. Under the level of modern productivity, the natural growth rate of population tends to decrease with the improvement of economic level. Economic factors also have an important impact on the growth of population machinery. Generally speaking, the regions with developed economy or rapid development speed have a kind of attraction and cohesion for population, and the population mechanical growth is positive; on the contrary, the regions with backward economy or slow economic development speed will produce a kind of exclusion and dispersion force for population, and the population mechanical growth is generally negative.<br>cultural factor <br>This factor has more influence on the natural growth of population. With the improvement of scientific literature level, the natural growth rate of population tends to decline, especially in modern society, which is manifested in three aspects: first, the average age of marriage will be postponed due to the extension of people's years of education; second, the more developed the scientific and cultural level, the more abundant people's physiological knowledge, parenting knowledge, and health care knowledge, which contributes to infant death Third, the higher the level of science and culture, the more attention will be paid to the improvement of their own and their offspring's quality, the fewer the birth and the better the education, and the limited income will be used to train their children into modern people with higher scientific and cultural quality.<br>Medical and health factors<br>The progress of medicine and the development of health care have a direct impact on the birth rate and mortality. First of all, it makes the death rate of all kinds of diseases decrease, so as to reduce the death rate of the population and extend the average life span of the population; second, it has a positive effect on the control of fertility and the implementation of eugenics.<br>