With the rapid developments in molecular and informatics technologies, opportunities are created to investigate the genome and transcriptome of the various cryptic species in the B. tabaci complex as well as the molecular mechanisms of whitefly responses to environmental stresses. Edwards and Papanicolaou(2012) highlight the characteristics that made past insect genome projects successful and place them in the context of next-generation sequencing. By taking into account the intricacies of whitefly biology and the community, they present a roadmap for whitefly genome project which focuses on the formation of an international consortium, deployment of informatic platforms and generation of reference sequence data. Seal et al. (2012) outline transcriptomic studies on an Indian B. tabaci population, which falls within the Asia 1 cryptic species (Dinsdale et al. 2010; Liu et al. 2012), complementing global studies on other genetic clades to generate functional genomics resources for B. tabaci. Furthermore, comparison of a selection of genes with related sequences from other B. tabaci genetic groups has revealed the need for manual curation as well as collaborative international efforts to obtain accurate assemblies from the existing next generation sequence datasets.