showed good agreement with the simulation results.Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 present the responses of Ta,T and the variation ofmanipulated variables according to changes in the input variable ee. Inthe simulation results in Fig. 11, the transient Ta and Ts quickly con-verged to the target value as ee increased. In addition, the corre-sponding manipulated variables also quickly increased as the ee valueincreased. There were no significant differences in the steady-state ac-cording to changes in the ee range in Fig. 11(a). However, a slightundershoot in Ta was observed in the range of ee =士0.0375 as shownin Fig. 11(a). On the other hand, in Fig. 11(b), T had a small steady-state error with ee values of士0.025. The experimental results in Fig.12showed good agreement with the simulation results.Fig. 13 and Fig. 14 present the behaviors of Ta and Ty when thesampling timet; was set to 10s, 30 s, and 50s. As shown in Fig. 13 andFig.14, the transient Ta and Ts converged the fastest with ts= 10s.