Pay attention to preview before class. Preview is an important method to cultivate students' ability of self-study and an important link to improve the quality of classroom teaching. As soon as the students are in the third grade, they will not preview, so I will take the preview into the classroom and focus on the preview guidance class to teach the students the preview methods: ① read the text well, and read it correctly and fluently; ② read and think while reading, and answer the main contents of the text accurately; ③ read and understand the words with the help of the dictionary. Just at the beginning of the course, give the students the above methods to learn the text according to the above preview methods. When the students are familiar with the text, say the main content of the text, read and understand the words with the help of the dictionary, mark the sentences that they don't understand, then let the students review the learning process just now, and let the students summarize the preview methods and steps. In this way, students can basically master the preview methods and steps by guiding three or four texts in class.