To learn better we need to make it easier to cross the synaptic gap between our brain cells. And scientists believe that for many of us, they have found a surprising way to do just that. Elliot found himself difficult to concentrate and was not struck by lessons. Then he was selected for a scientifically controlled trail run by Oxford University at schools in County Durham. The children chosen were behind in class in some subjects. In the trial the children took six tablets every day. The scientists wanted to see if the tablets could improve the way the children learnt, how well they concentrated and remembered in class. And after only a few weeks parents and teachers began to notice an extraordinary difference. Many of the children in the trial taking the same tablets showed a big improvement in reading, memory and concentration. The results confirm the findings of previous studies. So what is the ingredient in the tablets? It is not a drug, it isn’t a medicine. It is a natural substance found in some oily fish called Omega 3. And it seems to have a simple but extraordinary effect on brains. Omega 3 can help learning by making it easier for the signals to jump the gap between brain cells. And scientists believe Omega 3 can help not only children falling behind in class, but also improve the memory and concentration of many of us. But learning isn’t just about facts and figures. Our mind also learns to do things.