3. MethodologyThe population in this study are all companies listed on the Stock Exchangesince 2011-2015 Indonesia. Furthermore, 28 samples obtained by the establishedcriteria. This study uses an unbalanced panel data, where the number of units of time is different for each. Of the 28 samples were obtained 68 observational stu-dies. The data used is data secondary data. Secondary data were obtained usingonline access http://www.idx.co.id/ by downloading all the published financialstatements according to criteria predetermined sample, and the value obtainedfrom the magazine self CGPI. The data analysis method used in this research ismultiple linear regression analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis is used topredict how changes in the value of the dependent variable when the indepen-dent variable value increased or decreased in value (Firdaus, 2011; Mariana &Abdullah, 2018), which is defined as follows1 1 2 2 it it it itY a X X e = +β +β + .
3. MethodologyThe population in this study are all companies listed on the Stock Exchangesince 2011-2015 Indonesia. Furthermore, 28 samples obtained by the establishedcriteria. This study uses an unbalanced panel data, where the number of units of time is different for each. Of the 28 samples were obtained 68 observational stu-dies. The data used is data secondary data. Secondary data were obtained usingonline access http://www.idx.co.id/ by downloading all the published financialstatements according to criteria predetermined sample, and the value obtainedfrom the magazine self CGPI. The data analysis method used in this research ismultiple linear regression analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis is used topredict how changes in the value of the dependent variable when the indepen-dent variable value increased or decreased in value (Firdaus, 2011; Mariana &Abdullah, 2018), which is defined as follows1 1 2 2 it it it itY a X X e = +β +β + .<br>