For example, students canparticipate in developing and presenting group projects online. Information-sharing programs, such as CSILE (Scardamalia, Bereiter, Brett, Burtis, Cal-houn, & Smith Lea, 1992; Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1996) and Lotus Notes(Kittner & Van Slyke, 1997), can be used to store student productions inone database to which all users have simultaneous access. Students cancomplete project-based assignments in which they select or are assigned dif-ferent roles in gathering information and resources. They can then use com-munication software to work collaboratively and organize a project into apresentation for their peers or the professor. Presentations of projects canbe made online using conferencing software like ClassPoint or NetMeeting.Online educational research projects also provide opportunities for stu-dents to collaborate on the Web.