From the File menu, select Open (Ctrl+O). The Open dialog box shows all projects in the working directory. Double click on the Mimi.mcs file (Mimics project file).All images are loaded and displayed in three views. The view on the right shows the images as they are exported by the scanner (xy-view or axial view). The upper left corner is a reslice of these images in the xz-direction (xz-view or coronal view) and the bottom left is a reslice in the yz-direction (yz-view or sagittal view). The different colors of the intersecting lines refer to the colors of the contour lines of each view so every line refers to the slice in the corresponding view. You can easily navigate through the images by clicking on any point of the CT images in any view: the intersecting lines will move crossing each other in the point you clicked and all the views will be updated showing the corresponding slices.