However, the absolute accuracy values are higher than thatof the accelerometer in this case because of two extra sen-sors. This also makes the relative improvements by fusingthe data from two positions lower compared to that of theaccelerometer. For example, the average improvement due tofusion of wrist and pocket positions is 1%, which is negligible.All seven activities are recognized with very high accuracy,such as on average above 97% on wrist and pocket position,and above 99% when both data from both positions is fused.Therefore, we do not show the detailed results in this case.Based on these evaluations, we show that simple activities caneasily be recognized with one pocket position but the fusionof smartwatch with the smartphone makes this process morereliable. Moreover, this fusion can enable the recognition ofmore complex activities in a reliable way, which will not bepossible with the smartphone in the pocket position alone. Wediscuss this in Section IV-B