In order to clarify the relationship between microbial alpha diversity index and soil physical and chemical properties, the correlation analysis of alpha diversity index and soil physical and chemical properties index (pH, organic matter, whole nitrogen, total carbon, whole phosphorus, full potassium) was carried out (Table 4). The bacterial Chao1 index was significantly negatively correlated with the total potassium content in the soil, the bacterial ACE index, the Shannon index, the Simpson index were significantly negatively correlated with the whole potassium content in the soil, and the Coverage index was significantly positively correlated with the pH, and the total phosphorus and organic matter content in the soil was significantly negatively negative. The fungal Chao1 index was significantly negatively correlated with total potassium content in the soil, and the Simpson index was significantly negatively correlated with pH and significantly positively correlated with whole nitrogen. In general, the content of whole potassium, pH and total nitrogen in soil had a significant effect on the richness of soil communities.