The primary outcome of the trial is cognitive function.Specifically, we will measure executive function, atten-tion and processing speed, memory, and working mem-ory using the tests presented in Table 1. These measureshave been used in the exercise-cognition literature andare partly adapted from the NIH Toolbox. The tasks arecomputer- and paper-based and will be administeredover the two testing sessions on separate days and re-peated again after the 12-week intervention. The firsttesting session consists of immediate and delayed wordrecall [18], flanker task [19], spatial working memory[20, 21], trail making [22], and matrix reasoning [23]task. The second session consists of relational memory[24], pattern comparison [25], and task switching para-digm [14, 21]. All measures involve a practice phase thatexplains the task instructions and allows participants tofamiliarize themselves with the test.