The formation of goodwill has a significant impact on the level of a company's financial statements. Subsequent measurements of goodwill by companies, particularly the process of impairment testing in the annual reports of listed companies, are particularly important in the new economic environment. Therefore, experts have conducted ongoing research on goodwill tracking measurements, focusing on studies on goodwill impairment testing methods and systematic amortization methods.<BR>Current goodwill impairment testing methods are commonly adopted tracking measurement methods, which are supported by most experts who believe that impairment methods can better reflect a company's true situation. Aharony (2010) analyzes the applicability of impairment and amortization methods in detail by analyzing data from multiple companies, and believes that impairment methods are more relevant to a certain value than amortization methods. However, in subsequent measurements of a survey by Md Khokan Bepari, Abu Taher Mollik (2017) of Australian listed company Goodwill, the use of impairment testing methods is measured during amortization using comparison methods, and then amortization of<BR>it was found that the amount is measured. The goodwill amount will be less.