Many studies have shown the significance of linkagesbetween motivations, deterrents, trust, risk,and participation in crowdfunding. However, withinthe visitor economy fields (e.g. travel, leisure, hospitality,restaurants and accommodations, food and drinkprovisions, transportations, cultural activities, events),a theoretically comprehensive model has not yetbeen studied that takes into consideration the causeand effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations anddeterrents on perceived trust and risk, which in turnleads to crowdfunding participation. That is, fewempirical studies have addressed reasons why individualsparticipate in crowdfunding in order to betterpredict funder behavior in tourism-related businesses.Thus, the purpose of this study is to bridge this gap bydeveloping a conceptually integrated model to understandthe causal relationships of intrinsic and extrinsicmotivations, deterrents, perceived trust, and riskassociated with crowdfunder behavior in visitoreconomy sectors from an Asian culture’s perspective(i.e. Korea).