Strengths WeaknessesOpportunitiesThreatsInternal factors—you already have these things—or you discovered these things recentlyStrengths: the things you can do wellWeaknesses: the things you still need to work onWhen listing strengths and weaknesses:Try to think of the things you feel you can do wellList the things that you feel you need to work more onBe honest—even if it is hard to admit.Think of a hobby you have. Maybe it is a sport like soccer or basketball, maybe it is an art, like singing, painting, or photography or maybe it is something else entirely.List some strengths you have for this hobbyFor example: Basketball—I can run fast. I am a good dribbler, etc.List some weaknesses you have for this hobbyFor example: Basketball—I can’t make long shots well. I am not good atI am not good at stealing the ball from the other teamGo back to that same hobby you have. Maybe it is a sport like soccer or basketball, maybe it is an art, like singing, painting, or photography or maybe it is something else entirely.List some opportunities you have for this hobbyFor example: Basketball—We have a tournament coming up. Coach is looking for a new starter.List some threats you have for this hobbyFor example: Basketball—Coach makes me sit on the bench a lot.Please answer the question below and comment on at least TWO classmates’ posts. Discussion Board Questions are worth 5pts each. To earn full points, you must answer the question in 100-150 words AND comment on two other posts. Discussion Boards Questions are pass/fail, meaning that if you answer the question but don’t have the required two comments. You will earn a 0/10 for that Discussion Board. Point Value: 10 pts/each Deadline: April 17, 5:00 PM.Select a hobby that you have. It could be a sport (basketball, soccer, tennis, etc.) or it could be an art form (dancing, painting, singing, etc.) Do a SWOT in list form on this hobby.