This study selected a real-world urban watershed as the study case(Fig. 1). This study case with 0.11 km square is located in the northeastof Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. The stormwater for this area is collected by asmall drainage network, which discharges runoff into the nearby creek.Salt Lake City was classified as the district with semi-arid climate. Historical records from 1981 to 2010 show that this study area has annualprecipitation with 409 mm and the average annual air temperature is11.5 °C. A web survey in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service found that the primary soil type ofthe drainage catchment is bingham gravelly loam. The water table wasmeasured as 38.26 m below the land surface by a U.S. Geological Survey(USGS) groundwater station near the study site (Gundersen et al.,2011). The average thickness of the local valley-fill aquifer was estimated as 823 m (Cook et al., 1964).