Color quality in indoor color: that is, hue, refers to its position and position in the color wheel or color solid. Pure colors and all colors that may be formed by mixing with each other will produce a unique color phase. The further away a hue is from a hue in the color wheel, the greater the contrast between it and that hue. The knowledge of objective law is very necessary for the correct evaluation and use of color. As a result, a color in the spectrum, such as red, is suppressed, and the rest of the colored light rays are collected by the lens. The sum of these remaining colors will be green, which is the complementary color of the suppressed red. A kind of colored light is mixed with its complementary color to produce the sum of all colored lights white. Complementarity is the essence of harmony. A pair of complementary colors are medium gray, so as long as the color of our color ring meets the principle of simultaneous contrast of complementary colors, we can obtain the harmony of multiple color matching. The reason why the four colors connected to the square on the color ring are harmonious is that two of them are red, and the other two can be green, and finally return to the red green complementary color at the same time. Color contrast makes color immaterial and produces dynamic energy of tremor. Take three primary colors and their complementary colors (the connecting line on the color ring is a positive triangle) as an example. When arranging the same degree of light and shade to connect colors, we should pay attention to distinguish the lightness that needs to be added or subtracted from different primary colors in order to achieve the consistency of light and shade, so as to connect or highlight these colors together, and ensure that the light and shade contrast between them is eliminated.<br>