Results demographic Characteristicsamong 210 participants, 75% were women and 25% men. their mean age was 53.7 ± 12.2 years. the majority (67%) had chronic pain conditions (i.e., fibromyalgia, bone associated pain syndromes [low back pain, arthrosis, arthritis etc.], migraine/headache, and other), 28% had cancer and were a contrasting group of patients with fatal diseases, and 5% patients with other chronic diseases. Most patients were married (61%) or lived with a partner not married with (12%), 12% lived alone (single), 10% were divorced and 5% widowed. thirtyone % had a secondary education (Hauptschule), 28% had a junior high school education (Realschule), 23% a high school education (Gymnasium), and 18% other. a Christian affiliation was predominating (78%), 8% had other religious affiliations, and 14% none. Compared to patients with cancer, individuals with chronic pain conditions had significantly longer duration of disease, higher symptom scores, lower life satisfaction, and satisfaction with health situation and treatment efficacy (table 1).