Self-positivity bias is one of the well-studied psychological phenomena, however, littleis known about the bias in the specific dimension on social interaction, which wecalled herein interpersonal self-positivity bias—people tend to evaluate themselves morepositively on social interactions, prefer to be included rather than to be excluded byothers. In the present study, we used a modified self-reference task associated withN400 to verify such bias and explore whether impoverished social interaction (loneliness)could modulate it. Findings showed that exclusion verbs elicited larger N400 amplitudesthan inclusion verbs, suggesting that most people have interpersonal self-positivity bias.However, loneliness was significantly correlated with N400 effect, showing those withhigh scores of loneliness had smaller differences in the N400 than those with lowerscores. These findings indicated impoverished social interaction weakens interpersonalself-positivity bias; however, the underlying mechanisms need to be explored in futureresearch