In line with the ever-growing industry of e-commerce, it is also essential toknow that the online food delivery segment is on the rise. This means thatthe number of payments and purchases made by people online tends togrow.8 According to research conducted by Statista, the estimated revenuein the online food delivery segment amounts to $ 122 million in 2020 andforecasted to grow with an estimated amount of $ 135 million by 2021.Based on the survey conducted by eMarketer, the global payment marketwill hit a major milestone in 2020. It is forecasted that an estimated 1.06billion people are expected to use mobile payment for their mobile shop-ping and buying. In 2020, it is predicted that 38.4% of smartphone users willmake an in-store mobile payment at least every six months. It is anticipatedto increase its numbers to 39.9% in 2021.