Numerous advantages of the future-ready R&S®CMWall-in-one platformThe user-friendly R&S®CMW platform efficiently performsall measurement tasks – from complex lab tests to production line testing with its extremely stringent speed and reliability requirements.While the high-end R&S®CMW500 in combination withwith the R&S®CMX500 covers the entire spectrum,the R&S®CMW290 is a cost-effective, compact versionfor standard measurements and functional tests. TheR&S®CMW100 and R&S®CMW270 testers have beenoptimized for production and non-cellular connectivityapplications for devices in the FR1 frequency bands.The R&S®CMP200 is optimized for production of 5G FR2products (mmWave).The R&S®CMW platform includes a wide variety of hardware and software options to ensure the best fit for everytest and measurement requirement. Unique software toolsthat extend the range of functions are also available. TheR&S®CMW platform covers the entire test and measurement spectrum.