During the test, a continuous discharge is made after each 25 endurance cycles, at the discharge current specified in Table 3, until the terminal voltage of the battery falls to 10,2 V. The duration of discharge, in hours, shall be recorded. The battery shall then be charged at the charge current specified in Table 3 until the terminal voltage of battery or the specific gravity of the electrolyte (corrected to 20 °C), measured every 15 min, remains constant for three consecutive readings. The battery capacity obtained as the product of the discharge current and the duration of the discharges of tests carried out in line with clause should be recorded and plotted on a graph of the number of endurance cycles against the battery capacity. When the battery capacity falls to 40 % or less of the battery’s 20 hour capacity Ce , the cycling test has been completed and should be discontinued. The actual total number of endurance cycles can be obtained from the graph described above. The required number of endurance cycles is defined as the number achieved when the capacity becomes 40 % of the 20 h capacity Ce and is obtained from Clause 10 which shows the required number as a relationship of the battery’s 20h capacity. 9.6.5 Cycling test 4 (applicable to batteries with Cr from 40 min to 150 min) The test shall be carried out on batteries that have been charged in accordance with 8.2.2. (vented batteries) or 8.2.4 (VRLA batteries). Throughout the whole test period, the battery shall be placed in a water bath at a temperature of 40 °C ± 2 °C (or 75 °C ± 3 °C). The terminal base of the battery shall be at least 15 mm but not more than 25 mm above the level of the water. If several batteries are in the same water bath then the distance between them and also the distance to the walls of the bath shall be at least 25 mm. Purified water should be added to the electrolyte as required during the cycling portion of the test with the exception of those batteries described as “low water loss “, ” very low water loss” or VRLA. The batteries shall be connected to a device where they undergo a continuous series of cycles, each cycle comprising:- a) a discharge for 240 s ± 1s at 25 A ± 0,1 A b) followed, within 10 s, by a charge for 600 s ± 1 s at the maximum charge current of 25 A ± 0,1 A with a maximum charge voltage of 14,80 V ± 0,03 V, with the interval between the charge and the discharge periods not exceeding 10 s, for 100 h 12 0 + − h. The battery, maintained at the temperature chosen in clause, shall be stored on open circuit for between 65 h – 70 h. With the battery at the temperature selected in , discharge at Icc cranking amps for 30 s. The terminal voltage at 30 s (U30s) shall be recorded together with the number of cycles described in The battery should be replaced on the cycling test without a separate charge, starting on the “charge” portion ‘b)’ of the cycle.