4. The test should be performed on the basis of the second phase of the first stage of the experimental production. Doses respectively different materials and water content for the mixture again stirred binding, and the test sample. Experimental tests shall meet the following requirements: <br>(1) measuring the actual water content of the mix by determining the set range during the construction of the water flow meter. <br>(2) The actual dose of material through the binding assay mix, the construction process determines binder spiked parameters related art. <br>(3) by a compaction test, dose variation is determined binder, the moisture content changes on the maximum dry density mix. <br>(4) by a compression test, to determine the actual level of variation of intensity level and mixing process material. <br>5. Mixture determining production parameters should include binding material dose, the maximum dry density and moisture content and other indicators, and shall meet the following requirements: <br>agent (1) of cement stabilized materials, cement dosage actually employed should site than the indoor experimentally determined up to 0.5% to 1.0%. An increase of 0.5% should be employed during the construction of Plant Mixing concentrated; using a 1% increase in construction should Mixing Method. <br>(2) in a blending ratio based on results of the design, the construction process considering the climatic conditions, cement stabilized material, the water content increased from 0.5% to 1.5%; other stabilizing material, 1% to 2% increase. <br>(3) the maximum dry density of the final synthesis stage should result in a distribution of a standard compaction test.