First, when you have an order, place an order on Alibaba and pay the shipping fee. I will ship it to you. <br>Second, we have a special freight forwarder. The first time you place 100pcs or 500pcs, each time through our freight forwarder You ship
First, when you have an order, at Alibaba to place orders and pay shipping, I will ship you<br>Second, we have a special freight forwarder, you first under 100pcs or 500pcs, each time through our freight forwarding to you delivery
First, when you have an order, place an order in Alibaba and pay the freight. I will deliver the goods to you<br>Second, we have a special forwarder. You can get 100pcs or 500pcs for the first time, and deliver goods to you through our forwarder every time<br>