Jit Fiktix,It was abright and sunny spring afternoon. As I looked out my kitchen window, 1 sawPat, myroommate, admiring her small lemon tree. It had been three years since she planted it, and each year shewould baby it, hoping it would grow lemons. The tree had reached approximately four feet.There wereditwouldthree leaves growing on a single branch. Pat looked so happy and content. This year, it seemeafnally grow those long-awaited lemons."Grandma, do you have any work for me? I need fifteen dollars to g0 to the local amusemeapark," asked my twelve-year-old grandson Anthony.Backyard. 1 alsowanted him to mow around the stone walkway and trim around Pat's lemon tree.Okay, Anthony, I want you to mow the backyard. I want you to mow everything, especiallythe stonewalkway.'Anthony was an ittle more excited than I thought.He said, "You want me to mow everything?"I told him yes, mow everything. I had to go to the store for an hour or so, but I would pay him whengot back. He said, "Okay. So, you want me to mow everything?"Again, I said yes, "Everything."Pat was also on her way out. She said she would be back in a few hours.AS I drove up toward the driveway on my return from the store, I noticed three lttle leaves ona lorbranch sticking out of the trash can. I quickly parked my car and ran to the backyard."Oh, my godnesss Iwas almost in a statet of panic. I couldnt believe what Iwas seing. The tr1ranback "the tasba and ocod nside, hoping to splat the tee, but it was cut up into six Hieces, I pushed all the pieces back into the trash can. I hadUy another tree and plant it before Pat returned."do onehig bur wbat? IdeidedlwoSection II: reading and writing (25 points)After thinking for a while, I decided it would be nice for him to mow (1 / M) theWas gone. The whole tree was gone!Idea: