(2) brand marketing جو مطلب ۽ مراد<br>Brand marketing refers to the brand drawing and building by companies by marketing, so users can create a higher understanding of the brand<br>Reputation and loyalty, and ultimately the self-selling state of products by consumers' confidence on products and recognition of enterprises. بلڪل ڇوٽڪاري واڌاري آهي ته سڀ شيون پاڻ کي وڪرو ڪرڻ لاءِ، جنهن ۾ ھر بعد پڻ آهي. Brand as the symbol and embodiment of products and enterprises, product quality is the top priority. In the whole process, we should not only actively promote, but also improve product quality and service. موجوده، بنيادي مارڪيٽ جي واٽن ۾ عالمي روايتي مارڪيٽ ۽ نيٽو مارڪيشن شامل آهن.