SwitchIn systems with a control panel, the main display has five configurable inputs. If thereis no control panel and the software version of the display is 2.12, the five inputs 44-48 are also configurable.The inputs can be configured so that they are compatible with a regular switch or sen-sor. They can also be configured to perform a function, e.g. automatic starting. Theinputs are activated by applying 24 V to each input.Note:Inputs 1-3 (39-41) are reserved in systems with a safety device unit.Select one of the inputs and configure it according to the instructions below.Use asSet the input function. The functions written in bold are the most common. Some ofthe functions are only available if the software version of the display is 2.12.SettingDescriptionNoneThe input is used as an input for a regular engine sen-sor.Local ModeSets the display into local mode, i.e. all external com-mands are blocked.Remote ModeExternal commands are accepted