One day, somethig trible happened, at least on a child' s level the kindof thing that could afet Abbey s nderstanding of trust and fiendshipRead the following material and continue to write two paragraphs according to its content and the opening language of the given paragraph to make it formIt was my seventh year teaching the first grade. One ltte girl from that classAbbey, was shy. Usually, no one wanted to play with her. She didn' t knowHow to be a friend. She was alone in a crowd of happy people, watching theWorld with her blue eyes.I worked beyond the standard curriculum. I focused on social skills, trustAnd friendship. I taught her how to play, give a friendly smile, etc. Slowly,Abbey learned to trust, smile, play and make friends. She also made progressIn her schoolwork.
One day, somethig trible happened, at least on a child' s level the kindof thing that could afet Abbey s nderstanding of trust and fiendshipRead the following material and continue to write two paragraphs according to its content and the opening language of the given paragraph to make it formIt was my seventh year teaching the first grade. One ltte girl from that classAbbey, was shy. Usually, no one wanted to play with her. She didn' t knowHow to be a friend. She was alone in a crowd of happy people, watching theWorld with her blue eyes.I worked beyond the standard curriculum. I focused on social skills, trustAnd friendship. I taught her how to play, give a friendly smile, etc. Slowly,Abbey learned to trust, smile, play and make friends. She also made progressIn her schoolwork.<br>