

针对矿井工业场地位置,结合井田内煤层埋藏深度、矿井井型、煤层赋存条件、开采技术条件、井筒提升设备、井上下布置、回采面装备水平和回采面年推进度等因素,设计考虑了两个开拓方案,简述如下:井田4、6、9号煤层开拓方案一采用斜井开拓方式,共布置主斜井、副斜井、回风斜井3个井筒。新掘主斜井,井筒倾角13°,斜长616m,装备带式输送机和检修轨道,担负全矿井煤炭提升任务,兼作进风井和安全出口。新掘副斜井,井筒倾角7°,斜长796m,担负全矿井人员、矸石、材料及设备等辅助运输任务,兼作进风井和安全出口。回风斜井利用原山西山阴弓长煤业有限公司副斜井改造(卧底0.8m),井筒倾角18°48′,斜长252m,担负全矿井回风任务,兼作安全出口。主斜井落底于9号煤层底板岩石中,副斜井落底于6号煤层,回风斜井落底于6号煤层。后期回风斜井利用原山西山阴顺平煤业有限公司新主斜井刷大改造。原山西山阴弓长煤业有限公司的主斜井、回风斜井和山西山阴顺平煤业有限公司的主斜井、副斜井按关闭井筒的六条标准关闭。4、6号煤层采用联合开采,在主斜井井底附近沿6号煤层倾向布置西胶带运输大巷、西辅助运输大巷、西回风大巷、东胶带运输大巷、东辅助运输大巷、东回风大巷分别至井田东西边界,西胶带运输大巷和东胶带运输大巷经井底煤仓与主斜井相连,西辅助运输大巷和东辅助运输大巷经无轨胶轮车绕道与副斜井相连,西回风大巷和东回风大巷经总回风大巷与回风斜井相连,在井田中部沿6号煤层走向布置南胶带运输大巷、南辅助运输大巷、南回风大巷至井田南部边界,三条大巷相互平行,巷道间距40m。另在南河村南部沿4号煤层走向布置南辅助运输大巷,经辅助运输斜巷与6号煤层南辅助运输大巷。全井田4、6号煤层共划分为4个采区。开采9号煤层时,在副斜井井底附近新掘辅助运输暗斜井,倾角7°,斜长128m,在总回风大巷南部新掘回风暗斜井,倾角25°,斜长38m,9号煤层开拓巷道布置胶带运输大巷、辅助运输大巷、回风大巷与4、6号煤层开拓巷道重叠布置。全井田9号煤层共划分为4个采区。② 井田4、6、9号煤层开拓方案二采用斜井开拓方式,共布置主斜井、副斜井、回风斜井3个井筒。新掘主斜井,井筒倾角16°,斜长497m,装备带式输送机和检修轨道,担负全矿井煤炭提升任务,兼作进风井和安全出口。新掘副斜井,井筒倾角22°,斜长302m,装备单钩串车,担负全矿井人员、矸石、材料及设备等提升运输任务,兼作进风井和安全出口。回风斜井利用原山西山阴弓长煤业有限公司副斜井改造(卧底),井筒倾角18°48′,斜长252m,担负全矿井回风任务,兼作安全出口。主斜井、副斜井均落底于9号煤层,并在副斜井井底布置井底车场,回风斜井落底于6号煤层。后期回风斜井利用原山西山阴顺平煤业有限公司新主斜井刷大改造。原山西山阴弓长煤业有限公司的主斜井、回风斜井和山西山阴顺平煤业有限公司的主斜井、副斜井按关闭井筒的六条标准关闭。4、6号煤层采用联合开采,在主斜井井底附近沿6号煤层倾向布置西胶带运输大巷、西轨道运输大巷、西回风大巷至井田西边界,西胶带运输大巷经井底煤仓与主斜井相连,西轨道运输大巷经甩车场与副斜井相连,西回风大巷经总回风大巷与回风斜井相连,在井田中部沿6号煤层走向布置南胶带运输大巷、南轨道运输大巷、南回风大巷、北胶带运输大巷、北轨道运输大巷、北回风大巷分别至井田南北部边界,三条大巷相互平行,巷道间距40m。全井田4、6号煤层共划分为4个采区。开采9号煤层时,在总回风大巷南部新掘回风暗斜井,倾角25°,斜长38m,9号煤层开拓巷道布置胶带运输大巷、辅助运输大巷、回风大巷与4、6号煤层开拓巷道重叠布置。全井田9号煤层共划分为4个采区
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
According to the location of the mine industrial site, combined with factors such as the depth of the coal seam in the mine field, the shape of the mine, the coal seam storage conditions, the mining technical conditions, the shaft lifting equipment, the layout of the shaft, the level of the mining face equipment and the annual advancement of the mining face, the design considered The two development plans are briefly described as follows: The <br><br>first development plan of No. 4, 6, and 9 coal seam in the mine field <br>adopts the inclined well development mode. A total of 3 wellbores are arranged in the main inclined shaft, auxiliary inclined shaft, and return inclined shaft. Newly excavated the main inclined shaft, with 13 ° inclination angle and 616m inclination length, equipped with belt conveyor and maintenance track, which is responsible for the coal lifting task of the whole mine, and also serves as the air intake and safety exit. The newly-inclined auxiliary inclined shaft has a shaft dip of 7 ° and a slant length of 796m. It is responsible for auxiliary transportation tasks of mine personnel, gangue, materials and equipment, and serves as an air intake and a safety exit. The return inclined shaft is transformed with the auxiliary inclined shaft of Shanxi Shanyin Gongchang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. (undercover 0.8m), the shaft angle is 18 ° 48 ′, and the inclined length is 252m. It is responsible for the return of the entire mine and also serves as a safety exit. The main inclined shaft fell to the bottom of No. 9 coal seam rock, the auxiliary inclined shaft fell to the No. 6 coal seam, and the return inclined shaft fell to the No. 6 coal seam. In the later period, the return air inclined shaft will be renovated by the new main inclined shaft of the original Shanxi Shanyin Shunping Coal Industry Co., Ltd. The original main inclined shaft and return air inclined shaft of Shanxi Shanyin Gongchang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and the main inclined shaft and auxiliary inclined shaft of Shanxi Shanyin Shunping Coal Industry Co., Ltd. were closed according to the six standards for closing the shaft. <br>4. Coal seam No. 4 and No. 6 are jointly mined. West tape transportation lanes, west auxiliary transportation lanes, west return air lanes, east belt transportation lanes, east auxiliary transportation lanes are arranged along the No. 6 coal seam near the bottom of the main inclined shaft. The lanes and east return air lanes respectively reach the east-west boundary of the mine field. The west belt transportation lane and east belt transportation lane are connected to the main inclined shaft via the bottom coal bunker. The west auxiliary transportation lane and east auxiliary transportation lane pass through trackless rubber wheels The car bypass is connected to the auxiliary inclined shaft, the west return air lane and the east return air lane are connected to the return air shaft via the general return air lane, and the south belt transportation lane and south auxiliary transportation are arranged along the No. 6 coal seam in the middle of the mine field The three lanes are parallel to each other and the distance between the lanes is 40m. In the south of Nanhe Village, the South Auxiliary Transportation Lane is arranged along the direction of No. 4 Coal Seam, and the Auxiliary Transportation Inclined Lane and No. 6 Coal Seam South Auxiliary Transportation Lane are arranged. No. 4 and No. 6 coal seams in the whole mine field are divided into 4 mining areas.<br>During the mining of No. 9 coal seam, the auxiliary transport dark inclined shaft was newly excavated near the bottom of the auxiliary inclined shaft, with an inclination angle of 7 ° and an inclined length of 128m, and a newly returned dark inclined shaft with an inclination angle of 25 ° and inclined length was newly excavated in the south of the main return air lane 38m, the No. 9 coal seam development roadway layout tape transportation lane, auxiliary transportation roadway, return air roadway and No. 4, 6 seam development roadway overlap arrangement. The No. 9 coal seam of the whole mine field is divided into 4 mining areas. <br>② The second development plan of No.4, No.6 and No.9 coal seam <br>adopts inclined well development mode, and a total of 3 wellbores of main inclined shaft, auxiliary inclined shaft and return inclined shaft are arranged. Newly excavated the main inclined shaft, with a well angle of 16 ° and a slant length of 497m. Equipped with belt conveyors and maintenance tracks, it is responsible for coal mine lifting tasks, and serves as an air intake and a safety exit. The newly-inclined auxiliary inclined shaft has a shaft angle of 22 ° and a slant length of 302m. It is equipped with a single-hook train and is responsible for the lifting and transportation tasks of all mine personnel, gangue, materials and equipment. It also serves as an air intake and a safety exit. The inclined return shaft is transformed from the auxiliary inclined shaft of the original Shanxi Shanyin Gongchang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. (undercover). The inclination angle of the wellbore is 18 ° 48 ′ and the inclined length is 252m. The main inclined shaft and auxiliary inclined shaft both fell to No. 9 coal seam, and the bottom depot was arranged at the bottom of the auxiliary inclined shaft, and the return inclined shaft fell to the No. 6 coal seam. In the later period, the return air inclined shaft will be renovated by the new main inclined shaft of the original Shanxi Shanyin Shunping Coal Industry Co., Ltd. The original main inclined shaft and return air inclined shaft of Shanxi Shanyin Gongchang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and the main inclined shaft and auxiliary inclined shaft of Shanxi Shanyin Shunping Coal Industry Co., Ltd. were closed according to the six standards for closing the shaft. <br>4. Coal seam No. 4 and No. 6 are jointly mined. West tape transportation lanes, west rail transportation lanes, west return air lanes to the west boundary of the minefield are arranged along the No. 6 coal seam near the bottom of the main inclined shaft. The bottom coal bunker is connected to the main inclined shaft, the west rail transportation lane is connected to the auxiliary inclined shaft via the dumping yard, and the west return air lane is connected to the return inclined shaft via the main return air lane, along the No. 6 coal seam in the middle of the mine field Arrange the south belt transportation lane, the south rail transportation lane, the south return air lane, the north belt transportation road, the north rail transportation road, and the north return air lane to the north-south border of the mine field. The three roads are parallel to each other and the roadway 40m apart. No. 4 and No. 6 coal seams in the whole mine field are divided into 4 mining areas.<br>During the mining of No. 9 coal seam, a dark inclined shaft with a dip angle of 25 ° and a sloping length of 38m was newly excavated in the south of the total return air lane. The development roadway of No. 9 coal seam is arranged with tape transportation lane, auxiliary transportation lane, return air lane and 4. No. 6 coal seam development roadway overlap arrangement. No. 9 Coal Seam in Quanjingtian is divided into 4 mining areas
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
In view of the location of the mine industrial site, combined with the coal seam burial depth, mine type, coal seam deposit conditions, mining technical conditions, wellbore lifting equipment, well up and down arrangement, back-picking surface equipment level and back-picking surface annual thrust, the design considers two pioneering programs, summarized as follows:<br><br>Wellfield 4, 6, 9 coal seam development plan 1<br>The use of sloped well sloping pioneering method, a total of three wells arranged by the main sloped well, the sub-slope well, the return wind sloped well. The new main oblique well, the inclination angle of the wellbore 13 degrees, the slope length of 616m, equipped with belt conveyor and maintenance track, to assume the task of coal promotion of the whole mine, and wind wells and safe exit. The new excavation of the sub-slope well, the inclination angle of the wellbore 7 degrees, the slope length of 796m, responsible for the whole mine personnel, zircon, materials and equipment and other auxiliary transport tasks, and wind wells and safe exit. The backwind sloped well uses the original Shanxi ShanYin bow long coal industry Co. , Ltd. deputy sloped well transformation (undercover 0.8m), the boreshaft inclination of 18 degrees 48', slope length 252m, responsible for the whole mine backwind task, both as a safe exit. The main sloped well is bottomed in the 9th coal seam bottom plate rock, the sub-slope well is bottomed in the 6th coal seam, and the backwind slope well is bottomed at the no. 6 coal seam. The late backwind sloped well sloping well siled with the new main sloped well brush of the original Shanxi YinshunPing Coal Co., Ltd. The main slopewell of the former Shanxi Yin bow chang coal industry Co., Ltd., the backwind slope well and the main slope well and the deputy sloped well of Shanxi YinshunPing Coal Co., Ltd. were closed according to the six standards of closing the wellbore.<br>4, No. 6 coal seam steaming, in the main slope dwell near the bottom of the coal seam along the No. 6 coal seam tend to arrange the West Tape Transport Lane, West Auxiliary Transport Lane, West Back Wind Lane, East Tape Transport Lane, East Auxiliary Transport Lane, East Back wind Lane to the east-west boundary of the well field, West tape Transport Lane and East Tape Transport Lane by the bottom of the well coal warehouse connected with the main slope well, the west auxiliary transport lane and the east auxiliary transport lane by the railless rubber wheel bypass and the sub-slope well connected, the west back wind lane and the east back wind lane through the total return wind lane and the backwind slope well connected, In the middle of the well field along the No. 6 coal seam to arrange the south tape transport lane, the south auxiliary transport lane, the south back wind lane to the southern boundary of Jingtian, three alleys parallel to each other, the lane spacing 40m. Also in the south of the South River Village along the 4 coal seam to the layout of the south auxiliary transport lane, by the auxiliary transport slope lane and the 6 coal seam south auxiliary transport lane. The coal seams 4 and 6 of the whole well field are divided into 4 mining areas.<br>Mining no. 9 coal seam, in the sub-slope well near the bottom of the new excavation auxiliary transport dark oblique well, inclination 7 degrees, slope length 128m, in the southern part of the total return wind lane new excavation back wind dark slope well, tilt angle 25 degrees, slope length 38m, 9 coal seam open roadway layout tape transport road, auxiliary transport lane, backwind lane and 4, 6 coal seam development overlap arrangement. The coal seam No. 9 of the whole well field is divided into 4 mining areas.<br>(2) Wellfield 4, 6, 9 coal seam development plan II<br>The use of sloped well sloping pioneering method, a total of three wells arranged by the main sloped well, the sub-slope well, the return wind sloped well. The new main oblique well, the inclination angle of the wellbore 16 degrees, the slope length of 497m, equipped with belt conveyor and maintenance track, to assume the task of coal promotion of the whole mine, and wind wells and safe exit. The new excavation of the sub-slope well, the well bore inclination of 22 degrees, the slope length of 302m, equipped with a single hook string car, responsible for the whole mine personnel, zircon, materials and equipment to enhance the transport task, and for wind wells and safe export. The backwind sloped well uses the original Shanxi ShanYin bow long coal industry Co. , Ltd. deputy oblique well transformation (undercover), the well bore angle 18 degrees 48', slope length 252m, responsible for the whole mine back wind task, both as a safe exit. The main sloped well and the sub-slope well are all bottomed in the No. 9 coal seam, and the bottom of the well is arranged at the bottom of the sub-slope well, and the backwind slopewell is bottomed at the No. 6 coal seam. The late backwind sloped well sloping well siled with the new main sloped well brush of the original Shanxi YinshunPing Coal Co., Ltd. The main slopewell of the former Shanxi Yin bow chang coal industry Co., Ltd., the backwind slope well and the main slope well and the deputy sloped well of Shanxi YinshunPing Coal Co., Ltd. were closed according to the six standards of closing the wellbore.<br>4, No. 6 coal seam silos using joint mining, in the main slope well near the bottom of the coal seam along the No. 6 tend to arrange the west tape transport lane, the west track transport lane, the west backwind lane to the west boundary of the well, the west tape transport big lane through the bottom of the well coal warehouse connected with the main slopewell, the west rail transport lane through the main slope dying The dumping range is connected with the sub-slope well, the west backwind lane is connected with the backwind lane and the backwind slope well, in the middle of the well field along the 6th coal seam to the arrangement of the south tape transport lane, the south rail transport lane, the south back wind lane, the north tape transport lane, the north rail transport lane, the north rail transport lane, the north track transport lane, North backwind lane to the north border of Jingtian, three alleys parallel to each other, the lane distance of 40m. The coal seams 4 and 6 of the whole well field are divided into 4 mining areas.<br>Mining no. 9 coal seam, in the southern part of the total return wind lane new excavation back wind dark slope well, tilt 25 degrees, slope length 38m, 9 coal seam to open up the roadway layout tape transport lane, auxiliary transport lane, backwind lane and 4, 6 coal seam to open up the overlapping layout of the roadway. The coal seam No. 9 of the whole well field is divided into 4 mining areas.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
In view of the location of the industrial site of the mine, combined with the factors such as the burial depth of the coal seam in the mine field, the mine shaft type, the coal seam occurrence conditions, mining technical conditions, shaft lifting equipment, the layout above and below the shaft, the equipment level of the mining face and the annual advance degree of the mining face, two development plans are designed and considered, as follows:<br>Development plan I of No.4, No.6 and No.9 coal seams in the mine field<br>The inclined shaft development mode is adopted, and three shafts are arranged, i.e. main inclined shaft, auxiliary inclined shaft and return air inclined shaft. The newly excavated main inclined shaft has an inclination angle of 13 ° and an inclined length of 616m. It is equipped with a belt conveyor and maintenance track, which is responsible for the coal lifting task of the whole mine, and also serves as an air inlet shaft and a safety exit. The newly excavated auxiliary inclined shaft, with a shaft inclination of 7 ° and an inclined length of 796M, is responsible for the auxiliary transportation of personnel, gangue, materials and equipment in the whole mine, as well as the air intake shaft and safety exit. Reconstruction of return air inclined shaft with auxiliary inclined shaft of Yuanshan Xishan yingongchang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. (undercover 0.8m )The shaft has an inclination of 18 ° 48 'and an inclined length of 252m, which is responsible for the return air task of the whole mine and also serves as a safety exit. The main inclined shaft is located in the bottom rock of No.9 coal seam, the auxiliary inclined shaft is located in No.6 Coal Seam, and the return inclined shaft is located in No.6 Coal seam. In the later stage, the new main inclined shaft of the original xishanyinshunping Coal Industry Co., Ltd. was used for the reconstruction of the return air inclined shaft. The main inclined shaft and return inclined shaft of Yuanshan Xishan yingongchang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and the main inclined shaft and auxiliary inclined shaft of Shanxi Shanyin Shunping Coal Industry Co., Ltd. are closed according to the six standards of shaft closure.<br>4. No.6 Coal Seam adopts combined mining, and the West belt transportation roadway, west auxiliary transportation roadway, West return air roadway, east belt transportation roadway, East auxiliary transportation roadway and East return air roadway are arranged near the bottom of the main inclined shaft along the trend of No.6 Coal Seam, respectively to the East-West boundary of the mine field. The West belt transportation roadway and east belt transportation roadway are connected with the main inclined shaft through the coal bunker at the bottom of the shaft, and the west auxiliary transportation roadway and The East auxiliary transportation roadway is connected with the auxiliary inclined shaft by the trackless rubber wheel car detour, the West return air roadway and the East return air roadway are connected with the return air inclined shaft by the general return air roadway, and the south belt transportation roadway, the South auxiliary transportation roadway and the South return air roadway are arranged along the strike of coal seam 6 in the middle of the mine field to the south boundary of the mine field. The three roadways are parallel with each other, and the roadway spacing is 40m. In addition, in the south of Nanhe village, South auxiliary transportation roadway is arranged along the strike of No. 4 coal seam, passing through auxiliary transportation inclined roadway and South auxiliary transportation roadway of No. 6 coal seam. No. 4 and No. 6 coal seams are divided into 4 mining areas.<br>When mining No.9 coal seam, a new auxiliary transportation inclined shaft is excavated near the bottom of the auxiliary inclined shaft, with an inclination of 7 ° and an inclined length of 128M. A new return air inclined shaft is excavated in the south of the main return air roadway, with an inclination of 25 ° and an inclined length of 38m. The development roadways of No.9 coal seam are arranged with belt transportation roadways, auxiliary transportation roadways, and return air roadways overlapping with the development roadways of No.4 and No.6 coal seams. The No.9 coal seam is divided into four mining areas.<br>② Development Plan II of No.4, No.6 and No.9 coal seams in the mine field<br>The inclined shaft development mode is adopted, and three shafts are arranged, i.e. main inclined shaft, auxiliary inclined shaft and return air inclined shaft. The newly excavated main inclined shaft, with an inclination of 16 ° and an inclined length of 497m, is equipped with a belt conveyor and maintenance track, which is responsible for the coal lifting task of the whole mine, and also serves as an air inlet shaft and a safety exit. The newly excavated auxiliary inclined shaft, with an inclination angle of 22 ° and an inclined length of 302M, is equipped with a single hook series car, which is responsible for the lifting and transportation of personnel, gangue, materials and equipment in the whole mine, as well as the air intake shaft and safety exit. The auxiliary inclined shaft of Yuanshan Xishan yingongchang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. is used to reconstruct the return air inclined shaft (undercover). The inclination of the shaft is 18 ° 48 ′, and the inclined shaft is 252m long. It is responsible for the return air task of the whole mine and also serves as the safety exit. The main inclined shaft and auxiliary inclined shaft are all at the bottom of No. 9 coal seam, and the bottom car yard is arranged at the bottom of the auxiliary inclined shaft, and the return inclined shaft is at the bottom of No. 6 coal seam. In the later stage, the new main inclined shaft of the original xishanyinshunping Coal Industry Co., Ltd. was used for the reconstruction of the return air inclined shaft. The main inclined shaft and return inclined shaft of Yuanshan Xishan yingongchang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and the main inclined shaft and auxiliary inclined shaft of Shanxi Shanyin Shunping Coal Industry Co., Ltd. are closed according to the six standards of shaft closure.<br>4. No.6 Coal Seam adopts combined mining. Near the bottom of the main inclined shaft, along the trend of No.6 Coal Seam, the West belt haulage roadway, West Rail Haulage Roadway and West return air roadway are arranged to the west boundary of the mine field. The West belt haulage roadway is connected with the main inclined shaft through the coal bunker at the bottom of the shaft, the west rail haulage roadway is connected with the auxiliary inclined shaft through the dump, and the West return air roadway is connected with the return air inclined shaft through the main return air roadway in the mine field The south belt haulage roadway, South rail haulage roadway, South return air roadway, north belt haulage roadway, North Rail Haulage Roadway and North return air roadway are respectively arranged along the strike of coal seam 6 to the South-North boundary of the mine field. The three roadways are parallel to each other with a spacing of 40m. No. 4 and No. 6 coal seams are divided into 4 mining areas.<br>When mining No.9 coal seam, a new return air inclined shaft is excavated in the south of the main return air roadway, with an inclination of 25 ° and an inclined length of 38m. The development roadway of No.9 coal seam is arranged with a belt transportation roadway, an auxiliary transportation roadway, and a return air roadway overlapped with the development roadway of No.4 and No.6 coal seams. No.9 coal seam is divided into 4 mining areas<br>
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