Consider the following schema:Students (sid: int, sname: char)Students_Taking_Courses (sid: int, cid: int, score: int)In the schema, (sid, cid) is the primary key for Students_Taking_Courses. Write the following queries in SQL. a.Find the names of all the students who have taken both course #3160 and course #2214.b.Find the names of all the students who have never taken any courses.c.Find the names of all the students who have no scores below 75, and display in an alphabetical order.d.Find the average score for all the students who have taken more than 3 courses.e.Find the grades of all courses taken by a student whose sid is 123, and display the sid and the cid.f.Find the names of all the students who are on the honor roll (average of scores greater than 90),and display in increasing alphabetical order by name.g.Find the course that has been taken by the most students.h.Find the names of all students who have failed more than one fifth of their classes (score < 70).i.Find the average of all students taking 3160.j.Find the names of all students making grade below 60.k.Find the best performance class and the worst.l.Find the total number of the course the university has provided.m.Find the total number of the course that a student has taken for every student, and display in increasing order by students name.