The AO/ASIF classification was used for the fracture classification. 31A11–21 was classified as a stable fracture, and 31A22–33,an unstable fracture. The malalignment complications weredefined as resurgeries associated with malreduction, and postoperative gait disturbance was directly associated with secondaryfracture. The resurgeries associated with malreduction includedthose due to metal failure and peri-implant fracture. The secondaryfractures directly associated with gait disturbance includedcontralateral hip fracture and other site fractures due to a fallfrom a certain height.Logistic regression was used to analyse the factors that affecttorsional malalignment. To analyse the effect of torsionalmalalignment on clinical results, a student t-test was used forthe continuous variable and a chi-square test was used for thecategorical variable. SPSS (version 22) was used for the statisticalprocessing. Statistical significance was determined at p < 0.05.