Those who visit midpriced restaurants want more than is offered by fast-food operations.Low-cost, economical food items are popular, since it is often difficult to take the entire family out to an expensive meal.There is a growing demand for calorically lighter food,particularly salads.A varied menu,a modest décor, and a pleasing atmosphere are important.All of the above factors are important to assure repeat business.Sometimes entertainment is offered,thus combining dining with music or entertainment,particularly for special occasions.Dinner is the busiest time for midpriced restaurants, for it is usually then that both spouses are able to eat away from home.Also,since these restaurants are open until late at night,their hours suit a variety of consumers.The hours are convenient for those returning from a movie,concert,work., library, or bar to stop for light meals, snacks,or beverages in a quiet atmosphere.The overall nature of these restaurants allows for a congenial and comfortable setting for dining with friends and relatives, or for celebrating special occasions.Overcrowding is common in some of the favorite places,and reservations are often required.Menus offered include food items suitable for all ages, usually with specials offered on each day of the week.Special parties and weddings are also catered by many midpriced restaurants.Some people are interested in different foods and appreciate having a variety to choose from.0thers are attracted by the specialties and/or ethnic foods offered.Customers typically are looking for foods other than the usual “ hamburger ”.