Scorpio Weekly ForecastFor the next couple of months, Scorpio, your financial position, your salary, your money management, your assets (possessions or property) and your debts, will be in sharp focus. Your values will also be in the spotlight. That means what you will and won’t sell out for, and also who (or what) you consider to be priceless. If you have your diary out, skip the weekend of Saturday the 4th of December 2021 for choices or big outcomes, because you have an eclipse, then. The new beginning is still a new beginning, but it’s unclear and you may be in the dark, so avoid it if you can.There is also some karma to balance, from March 2003. This was the start of the War in Iraq if that helps jog your memory. The balance sheet is spiritual not financial, but it may be expressed in numbers by January 19th, 2022, when the cycle ends.