This magical gesture is referred to again and again throughout the whole GoldenDawn system. The correct way of doing this is as follows:1. Stand upright, facing East. Imagine you are growing very tall. So tall thatyour head is above the clouds, while beneath your feet the Earth seems like a small globe onwhich you are standing. Spend a few minutes trying to achieve this piece of visualisation.The success of the whole manouevre depends on this.2. Intone or vibrate Atoh, while touching the forehead with the forefinger ofthe right hand. Imagine that above you is the White Light of Kether, from which a raydescends as you proceed with the exercise.3. Bring the hand down from the head to the middle of the chest and intone orvibrate Malkuth. Feel that the ray of Light descends all the way to the feet, not simply to thechest which you are touching. This establishes the shaft of the cross in Light.4. Move the hand over to the left shoulder, and vibrate ve-Gedulah. Whiledoing this, imagine that the entire shoulder is ablaze with light ready to move over to theright side to form the cross bar of Light.5. Move the hand over to the right shoulder, and vibrate ve-Geburah. This willcomplete the cross bar, so that the entire cross is now formulated.6. Clasp the hands over the chest, and vibrate le-Olahm Amen. As you do this,try to become acutely aware of this gigantic cross of light formulated through your entirebody, now gigantic and extending high into upper space.