They proved thatnot all attractors can be reached by system trajectoriesin the presence of noise. Another case is that of a gear-rattling impact model analyzed in [7], where the focuswas on the numerical study of the basins of attraction ofperiodic and chaotic solutions. In [8], multistability wasobserved in a bilinear oscillator close to grazing, and theoccurrence of coexisting attractors was manifested inan experimental investigation that revealed discontinu-ous transitions from one orbit to another via boundarycrisis. The case of an electro-vibro-impact system wasconsidered in [10], where the authors studied a broadrange of dynamical scenarios with coexisting periodicand chaotic solutions. More recently, hidden coexistingoscillations were investigated in a drilling system [3],which were identified as a possible cause of harmfulvibrations in the drill strings.