Correct. This shipment includes 6 modules. See PL n. 9 rev.0 packages from 9024 to 9029. And please provide declaration elements 1.: brand type Please clarify; 2: use filtering process fumes from foundry; 3: if the stainless steel case needs to be noted no stainless steel; 4: if the stainless steel case needs to be equipped with the diameter of the inlet and outlet pipe; 5: principle the fumes are sucked by a fan and pass through filtering bags and high efficiency HEPA. Fumes after passing the filtering media flow through to the chimney and from here to the atmosphere; 6: brand if brand means manufacturer of the filters than it is ECOFER; 7: model Not applicable; 8: rated power [non-electric power does not need to be specified] 375 kW (installed power). Please see Electrical Load List rev.3, Unit 700;