"My Neighbor Totoro" is directed by Hayao Miyazaki. <br>The film tells the story of grass wall Tatsuro wife Yasuko Kusakabe after he was hospitalized, he took Kusakabe Satsuki Kusakabe-year-old sister and rice back to the country of residence of the story.
"Dragon Cat" is directed by Hayao Miyazaki.<br>The film tells the story of her wife, Shibi Jingzi, who returns to the countryside with her four-year-old sister, Grass-Wall, after she is hospitalized.
"The dragon cat" is directed by Hayao Miyazaki.<br>The film tells the story of Cao bijingzi, Cao Bi's wife, who came back to live in the countryside with Cao bigaoyue and his four-year-old sister Cao bimi after he was ill and hospitalized.<br>