This next tutorial involves a file that can only be accessed through a one-way link.The EXA that goes to grab the file will be trapped, so you’ll need to create two EXAsand have them communicate with each other.I ll let you figure out the code for this one on your own, but here are some hints:You can create a new file with the MAKE instruction. The file it creates will be empty bydefault, and it will be automatically held by the EXA that created it.An EXA can delete the file it's holding with the WIPE instruction.Two EXAs can communicate with each other using the M register. If one EXA writes a valueto the M register and another EXA reads from the M register, the value gets transmittedfrom the writer to the reader.If an EXA is reading the M register while no one is writing to it, or vice versa, it'll waituntil another EXA picks up the other end of the communication. You don't need to time itperfectly.There’s a toggle switch in the EXODUS user interface that lets you set the M register toglobal or local operation. In global mode, two EXAs can communicate anywhere in thenetwork as long as there’s a path of links connecting them. In local mode, two EXAscan only communicate if they’re in the same host. Finally, an EXA in global mode can'tcommunicate with an EXA in local mode, even if they are in the same host.