Designed in the Online shopping system based on JSP
Computer Science and Technology Teacher
Abstract:Along with the vigorous development of the Internet, e-commerce networks as a shopping center is a form of its highly efficient, low-cost advantages, gradually emerging as a business model and philosophy, there is no longer meet use and dissemination of information browsing, but a desire to bring the full enjoyment network more convenient. Internet shopping is being adapted to the fast pace of today's society to live, so that customers can enjoy the convenience of fast and easy way to purchase their own like commodities.
The system is trying to use JSP in a dynamic network of e-commerce websites structure, which is in Windows XP, SQL Server 2000 for database development in platform, Tomcat application server as a network information services, use JSP (Java Server Pages) technology development online shopping system. Prospects and the background of some of his hours, the prospects of users, including users registered, a shopping cart management, order management, personal information management, message board management functions; Background in part by managers, including commodity management, processing orders, customer information management, information management, and other functions links.
After the establishment of the website is a dynamic, interactive, with commodities, systems management, voice mail, and other functions of the e-commerce website users.
Keywords JSP; SQL Server 2000;Tomcat;Online shopping system