I could hardly believe my eyes when reading parts of this book, as many of the symptoms Dr Weekes describes fit me almost exactly. I felt like I finally found someone that really understands what I’m going through.The skills that Dr Weekes teaches (facing, accepting, floating, letting time pass) have been very helpful for me. I’ve had a lot of experience with CBT (of which the techniques in this book share a lot with) but this really helped solidify many of the concepts. In addition, Dr Weekes instills confidence and makes you believe you can succeed.If you are unsure, you can find videos online of Dr Weekes being interviewed where she covers some of this material so you can see if it (and if she) resonates with you.The book has helped me and I’m in awe of how insightful and far ahead of her time Dr Weekes was. I feel this is timeless material.