Project #2 ---------------------------------------------------------[Made-up story redacted]You shall write a Javascript game.Requirements: - You are to implement a simple web application in HTML/JavaScript. - Your application shall have some unique name (ie, make up a name) - this is for "security" purposes, why? - Your application must not allow elements to be clicked unless they are "activated" by your program. For example, a piece that has been matched and removed from the board should not be clickable any longer.Specifications: - You shall produce (2) total files: 1) an HTML file containing the appropriate JavaScript 2) a *text* file named P2.txt (NOT a PDF/Word file!) 1) HTML file shall: - have your name(s) somewhere near the top, as a comment. - be a complete HTML document with appropriate HTML tags. - not call/access/reference another website - have JavaScript that simulates a memory game described below. 2) Your Javascript program shall follow these steps: SETUP: - Ask (2) players for their names via a prompt() call. - Ask for board size and validate the number: The number must be between 4 and 10, and even. - Generate a screen with the players' names, and their score at the top. The board is generated as a N x N table where N is the board size. - Randomly generate game piece placement for the board. - A game piece is a combination of a color and a number, where the color is the background color in the set: {maroon, red, orange, yellow, green, purple, lime, blue, gray, white} and the number is between 1-4 inclusive. - Each piece placed must have a corresponding matching game piece which will also be randomly placed. There can be more than one pair of the same color/number combinations. - Once your random placement is complete, present the board (with hidden pieces) to the players. - At the bottom, you shall have a message element to update whose turn it is. You shall also have a button labeled "Concede Game" (see below). - Set the appropriate event listeners for the elements that are active at the appropriate times. PLAY: - Players take turns choosing a piece. Your program will reveal its color/number. The player must then choose its matching piece from the board. - If the piece chosen matches, the player gets 1 point (your program updates the score accordingly), then the matching pieces are cleared from the board, and the player gets to continue. If the piece chosen does not match, the player's turn is over, the piece values are rehidden. END: - The game ends when all pieces have been matched, or a player concedes a game. If a player chooses "Concede Game" then the other player wins. - Once a game is over (all pieces discovered, or a player concedes) use the alert() call to show who one and congratulate them. Choose an appropriate message if there is a tie score. 3) Your P2.txt file shall: - contain your name(s). - contain any references you used outside of material I presented. - contain any collaboration that you had with others students not in your group. - the URL for your project (make sure this is correct!) - a brief description of the project - answer the following questions: - Give a reason why I told you to pick a random name for your file. Think, why THIS time when I am usually very strict about what you name files? - What datastructure (simple or complex) did you choose to use to store the game pieces and their location? Why did you choose that datastructure? - Does your program accept mouse clicks on areas that are not (or should not be) active? If so, what does your program do in those events? If not, what did you do to prevent those mouse clicks from triggering code? Be specific!What to turn in: Do not create an additional directory in your ZIP file, just a ZIP file of the 2 files above: an HTML/JavaScript file and the P2.txt text file. Call this file where lname is your last name. If in a group use HTML form is properly constructed: 15 points JavaScript code (total): 95 points - does not produce console errors: 10 - gets player names/board size: 5 - generates board randomly: 20 - starts game properly, activating appropriate elements only: 10 - reveals game pieces as clicked