As can be seen from Figure 4, except for functions F8 and F9, with the increase of the number of iterations, the optimal value of ccgoa algorithm gradually approaches 0, and the results of SR are all 100%, which is far better than Goa. The optimal value of CGOA in F1, F3, F4, F7, F10 and F11 gradually approaches to the theoretical value, and the SR value gradually rises to 100% with the increase of iterations. Compared with Goa, the function result is more obvious, but compared with ccgoa, the result is weaker, and ccgoa has more advantages. Therefore, it can be further seen that the combination of Logistic chaotic mapping and cloud model can greatly improve the performance of Goa, which is significantly better than the improvement of Goa by using the inertial weight of cloud model alone.<br>