(4)超长收缩力量素质训练方法超长收缩力量素质训练法又称力量训练法或反射力量训练法。这种方法利用肌肉的弹性、收缩力和牵张反射性 ,使神经系统的简体中文翻译


(4)超长收缩力量素质训练方法超长收缩力量素质训练法又称力量训练法或反射力量训练法。这种方法利用肌肉的弹性、收缩力和牵张反射性 ,使神经系统反射性地产生更强的兴 奋冲动 ,从而募集更多的运动单位参与收缩 ,产生更大的肌肉收缩力 ,最终达到提高爆发力的目的。深跳练习是训练超长收缩力量和质量最典型的方法。这种方法的优点是可以更强烈地刺激肌肉 ,导致肌张力峰值更高;能有效提高肌肉在用力回缩期收缩时的抗拉强度水平;能有效提高肌肉向心收缩 时的收缩速度。当然 ,这种方法对于提升爆发水平来说 ,具有最大的训练价值。在实践中 ,各种跳跃练习都是这种方法的练习方法。这种方法的缺点是 如果动作结构不合理 ,很容易导致肌纤维拉伤。另外 ,对于肌力较弱的幼儿 ,不宜过度使用此方法。2.力量训练的基本要求(1)注重不同肌群的相应力量 发展根据专项运动的需要 ,力量主要发展在运动员的大肌群和最重要的肌群 ,因此应重点关注还要注重小肌群、远端肌群和深层肌群的力量和素质训练。( 2)选择有效的训练方法根据完成训练任务的需要 ,正确选择有效的训练方法 ,规范和明确正确的动作要求。例如 ,要发展股四头肌的力量 ,可 以选择负重下蹲练习 ,练习时应要求运动员双脚平行站立或稍向内拍 ,以有效地发展股四头肌的力量。(3)处理好负荷与恢复的关系①在训练阶段 ,负 荷安排应大、中、小规模相结合 ,逐步完善负荷测量。②小循环训练中 ,需要变换不同类型的力量和素质训练。例如 ,可以每周一、周三和周五安排专 注于发展爆发力或最大力量的训练。②每次重复练习时要注意组间休息。一般来说 ,训练水平较低的运动员组间休息时间较长。②力量训练后 ,要特别 注意放松肌肉。力量训练后肌肉会出现酸痛 ,这是肌纤维增粗的反映 ,是力量增长的必然结果。但应积极采取措施消除肌肉酸痛 ,以减少能量消耗 ,更 好地保持肌肉弹性。(四)注意激发练习兴趣肌肉做功的强弱与中枢神经系统发出的神经冲动的强弱密切相关。神经冲动的强度越强 ,参与工作的肌纤 维就越多 ,冲动就越集中 ,运动单位做功的同步性就越高 ,表现出的力量就越大。因此 ,在运动训练中 ,应注重刻意提高运动员在练习中的兴趣和积极 性 ,以提高力量训练的效果。爆发力训练要求神经系统具有较高的兴奋性。
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结果 (简体中文) 1: [复制]
(4)超长收缩力量素质训练方法<br>超长收缩力量素质训练法又称力量训练法或反射力量训练法。这种方法利用肌肉的弹性、收缩力和牵张反射性 ,使神经系统反射性地产生更强的兴 奋冲动 ,从而募集更多的运动单位参与收缩 ,产生更大的肌肉收缩力 ,最终达到提高爆发力的目的。深跳练习是训练超长收缩力量和质量最典型的方<br>法。这种方法的优点是可以更强烈地刺激肌肉 ,导致肌张力峰值更高;能有效提高肌肉在用力回缩期收缩时的抗拉强度水平;能有效提高肌肉向心收缩 时的收缩速度。当然 ,这种方法对于提升爆发水平来说 ,具有最大的训练价值。在实践中 ,各种跳跃练习都是这种方法的练习方法。这种方法的缺点是 如果动作结构不合理 ,很容易导致肌纤维拉伤。另外 ,对于肌力较弱的幼儿 ,不宜过度使用此方法。2.力量训练的基本要求(1)注重不同肌群的相应力量 发展根据专项运动的需要 ,力量主要发展在运动员的大肌群和最重要的肌群 ,因此应重点关注还要注重小肌群、远端肌群和深层肌群的力量和素质训<br>练。( 2)选择有效的训练方法根据完成训练任务的需要 ,正确选择有效的训练方法 ,规范和明确正确的动作要求。例如 ,要发展股四头肌的力量 ,可 以选择负重下蹲练习 ,练习时应要求运动员双脚平行站立或稍向内拍 ,以有效地发展股四头肌的力量。(3)处理好负荷与恢复的关系①在训练阶段 ,负 荷安排应大、中、小规模相结合 ,逐步完善负荷测量。②小循环训练中 ,需要变换不同类型的力量和素质训练。例如 ,可以每周一、周三和周五安排专 注于发展爆发力或最大力量的训练。②每次重复练习时要注意组间休息。一般来说 ,训练水平较低的运动员组间休息时间较长。②力量训练后 ,要特别 注意放松肌肉。力量训练后肌肉会出现酸痛 ,这是肌纤维增粗的反映 ,是力量增长的必然结果。但应积极采取措施消除肌肉酸痛 ,以减少能量消耗 ,更 好地保持肌肉弹性。(四)注意激发练习兴趣肌肉做功的强弱与中枢神经系统发出的神经冲动的强弱密切相关。神经冲动的强度越强 ,参与工作的肌纤 维就越多 ,冲动就越集中 ,运动单位做功的同步性就越高 ,表现出的力量就越大。因此 ,在运动训练中 ,应注重刻意提高运动员在练习中的兴趣和积极 性 ,以提高力量训练的效果。爆发力训练要求神经系统具有较高的兴奋性。
结果 (简体中文) 2:[复制]
(4) Training Methods for Superlong Contraction Strength and Quality<br>The ultra long contraction strength training method is also known as strength training method or reflex strength training method. This method utilizes the elasticity, contraction force, and stretch reflex of muscles to reflexively generate stronger excitatory impulses in the nervous system, thereby recruiting more motor units to participate in contraction, generating greater muscle contraction force, and ultimately achieving the goal of improving explosive power. Deep jump practice is the most typical way to train ultra long contraction strength and quality<br>Law. The advantage of this method is that it can stimulate the muscles more strongly, leading to higher peak muscle tone; Can effectively improve the tensile strength level of muscles during forced contraction period; It can effectively improve the contraction speed of muscles during centripetal contraction. Of course, this method has the greatest training value for improving explosive levels. In practice, various jumping exercises are the practice methods of this method. The disadvantage of this method is that if the action structure is not reasonable, it can easily lead to muscle fiber strain. Additionally, for children with weaker muscle strength, this method should not be overused. 2. Basic requirements for strength training: (1) Pay attention to the corresponding strength development of different muscle groups. According to the needs of specialized sports, strength mainly develops in the athlete's large muscle group and the most important muscle group. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the strength and quality training of small muscle groups, distal muscle groups, and deep muscle groups<br>Practice. (2) Choose effective training methods based on the needs of completing training tasks, correctly select effective training methods, standardize and clarify the correct movement requirements. For example, to develop the strength of the quadriceps, weight-bearing squat exercises can be chosen. During the exercises, athletes should be required to stand with their feet parallel or racket slightly inward to effectively develop the strength of the quadriceps. (3) Handle the relationship between load and recovery well. ① During the training phase, load arrangement should be combined with large, medium, and small scales, gradually improving load measurement. ② In small loop training, different types of strength and quality training need to be transformed. For example, training focused on developing explosive or maximum strength can be arranged every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Pay attention to the inter group rest every time you repeat the practice. Generally speaking, athletes with lower training levels have longer inter group rest times After strength training, special attention should be paid to relaxing muscles. After strength training, muscles may experience soreness, which is a reflection of muscle fiber thickening and an inevitable result of strength growth. But active measures should be taken to eliminate muscle soreness, reduce energy consumption, and better maintain muscle elasticity. (4) Attention should be paid to stimulating the interest in practice. The strength of muscle work is closely related to the strength of nerve impulses emitted by the central nervous system. The stronger the intensity of nerve impulses, the more muscle fibers participate in work, the more concentrated the impulses, the higher the synchronicity of work done by the motor unit, and the greater the strength exhibited. Therefore, in sports training, attention should be paid to deliberately increasing the interest and enthusiasm of athletes in practice, in order to improve the effectiveness of strength training. Explosive training requires a high level of excitability in the nervous system.
结果 (简体中文) 3:[复制]
(4) Training method of super-long contraction strength quality<br> Super-long contraction strength quality training method is also called strength training method or reflection strength training method. This method makes use of the elasticity, contraction force and stretch reflex of muscles to make the nervous system reflexively generate stronger excitement impulse, so as to recruit more sports units to participate in contraction and generate greater muscle contraction force, and finally achieve the purpose of improving explosive power. Deep jump exercise is the most typical way to train super-long contraction strength and quality.<br> Law. The advantage of this method is that it can stimulate muscles more strongly, resulting in higher peak muscle tension; It can effectively improve the tensile strength level of muscles during forced retraction; Can effectively improve the contraction speed of muscle centripetal contraction. Of course, this method has the greatest training value for improving the outbreak level. In practice, all kinds of jumping exercises are practice methods of this method. The disadvantage of this method is that if the action structure is unreasonable, it will easily lead to muscle fiber strain. In addition, for children with weak muscle strength, this method should not be overused. 2. Basic requirements of strength training (1) Pay attention to the corresponding strength development of different muscle groups. According to the needs of special sports, strength mainly develops in the big muscle groups and the most important muscle groups of athletes, so we should focus on the strength and quality training of small muscle groups, distal muscle groups and deep muscle groups.<br> Practice. (2) Choose effective training methods According to the needs of completing training tasks, choose effective training methods correctly, standardize and clarify the correct action requirements. For example, to develop the strength of quadriceps femoris, we can choose to squat with weight, and athletes should be required to stand with their feet parallel or pat inward slightly in order to effectively develop the strength of quadriceps femoris. (3) Deal with the relationship between load and recovery ① In the training stage, the negative load arrangement should be combined with large, medium and small scale to gradually improve the load measurement. ② Different types of strength and quality training need to be changed in small cycle training. For example, you can arrange training focused on developing explosive power or maximum strength every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ② Pay attention to rest between groups every time you repeat exercises. Generally speaking, athletes with lower training level have a longer rest time between groups. ② After strength training, special attention should be paid to relaxing muscles. Muscle ache will appear after strength training, which is the reflection of muscle fiber thickening and the inevitable result of strength growth. However, active measures should be taken to eliminate muscle soreness in order to reduce energy consumption and better maintain muscle elasticity. (4) Pay attention to the strength of muscles that stimulate interest in practice, and the strength of nerve impulses issued by the central nervous system is closely related. The stronger the intensity of nerve impulse, the more muscle fibers involved in the work, the more concentrated the impulse, the higher the synchronization of the work done by the movement unit, and the greater the strength shown. Therefore, in sports training, we should pay attention to deliberately improving athletes' interest and enthusiasm in practice in order to improve the effect of strength training. Explosive force training requires the nervous system to have high excitability.
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